3.2 General standards
3.2.1 Security and High Security Seals shall be strong and durable so as to prevent
accidental breakage, early deterioration (due to weather conditions, chemical
action, etc.) or undetectable tampering under normal usage;
3.2.2 Seals shall be capable of being affixed easily and quickly;
3.2.3 Seals shall be identified by unique marks (such as a logotype) and numbers
that are readily legible; markings intended for unique identification of the seal
shall be considered permanent. Any modification of markings shall require
irreversible physical, chemical, heat or other destruction of the security seal.
3.2.4 Seals shall be designed and constructed so as to not permit removal or
undoing without breaking, or to allow tampering without leaving readily
apparent traces;
3.2.5 Seals shall be designed so as to not permit use more than once;
3.2.6 Seals shall be made as difficult as possible to copy or counterfeit.